Yoga to Quit Self Destructive Habits


Smoking can be a difficult habit to kick. One of the key aspects of smoking is the temporary relief from stress that the tobacco brings, causing the smoker to cling onto their addiction. Yoga is a fantastic substitute that can help relief stress in a natural, harmless way, whilst also bringing about physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Keeping a relaxed mind and body is essential to both quitting smoking and the successful practicing of yoga.

There is also evidence that the damage done to internal organs from smoking can be repaired. The cardiovascular systems, long starved of oxygen, can be improved by the increase in blood flow that yoga brings about.

Furthermore, the concentration of breathing combined with movement helps balance the respiratory system, beating the ill effects that smoking has wrought on the body.


Drinking is another habit that can be harmful to the body. Although most …

Protect Your Mental Health

In your dreams the movement your ego makes from one conscience to another appears when you go up or down. When you go upstairs you go to the region of your human conscience. This means that you think based on human standards. When you go down you go to the dangerous region of your satanic anti-conscience, where you think based on absurdity and evilness.

The constant influence of your anti-conscience is represented by your mother. Whenever you have dreams about your mother this means that your anti-conscience is influencing or controlling your mind and your behavior.

You have to be afraid of your anti-conscience because its intention is to destroy your conscience and replace your ego. However, your anti-conscience is your evil self. You believe that your evil self helps you in many ways, and that it defends you from your enemies. This is a misleading impression, but you trust …

Curing Common Ailments With Aromatherapy

Common Methods of Aromatherapy

Massage Oils

One of the most common uses for aromatherapy oils is massage. This allows you to use a carrier oil to dilute the essential oils for use directly on the skin. The aroma, as well as the act of rubbing the oils into the skin, helps relax the body and allow healing to take place.

Bath Products

Bath products are another very common aromatherapy method. Again, the essential oils are diluted, this time in oil, Epsom salts, or soap so they can dissolve in a hot bath. The heat helps to release the wonderful scents, as well as healing relaxation of aromatherapy.


Candles are another common vehicle for aromatherapy. Often just breathing in the healing powers of aromatic herbs, flowers, and other plants can help to cure many of your common ailments.

Common Ailments Cured with Aromatherapy

Stress Relief

One of the most common …

Ways to Help Become Mentally Stronger

Be Optimistic

Optimism is a characteristic always displayed by successful people. How so? Because they never gave in to their failures and always pushed through despite the obstacles. They remain optimistic throughout the ups and downs of their journey. Additionally, these successful and mentally strong people are supported by their friends, relatives, and colleagues-a group of positive people. They don’t let pessimism get in the way of reaching their goals. Be the person that looks at a glass half full.

Find Balance With Negative Thoughts

Acknowledging negative thoughts also comes in handy at times. It enables you to see what could go wrong and how to plan and deal with it in advance. To be clear, negative thinking is welcome but being a pessimist isn’t.

Use Your Mental Energy Wisely

Distraction is one of the common causes of unproductivity and decreased mental energy. It’s always lurking and hiding in various …

Trauma and Codependency

Childhood Trauma

Childhood itself may be traumatic when it’s not safe to be spontaneous, vulnerable, and authentic. It’s emotionally damaging if you were ignored, shamed, or punished for expressing your thoughts or feelings or for being immature, imperfect, or having needs and wants. Some people are neglected or emotionally or physically abandoned and conclude they can’t trust or rely on anyone. They hide their real, child self, and play an adult role before they’re ready. Divorce, illness, or loss of a parent or sibling can also be traumatic, depending upon the way in which it was handled by parents. Occurrences become harmful when they’re either chronic or severe to the extent that they overwhelm a child’s limited ability to cope with what was happening.

How you’ve encountered these experiences are your wounds. Most everyone manages to grow up, but the scars remain and account for problems in relationships and coping …

Getting Triggered

What we react to – our “triggers”– are unique to our personality and individual history. Think of triggers as wounds – often from past trauma. When we’re triggered, we’re re-experiencing a past injury in present time – similar to a post-traumatic stress reaction. It’s reopening a painful wound that hasn’t had a chance to heal. A sign of being triggered is when our reaction is disproportionate to the present event or not reasonably related to the actual present facts.

Primary triggers are internal, dysfunctional personal beliefs that we learned in childhood. We can trigger ourselves into feeling ashamed if we don’t measure up to standards we’ve adopted for ourselves. We can easily activate our inner critic to ruin our day or our life! Do the steps in 10 Steps to Self-Esteem: The Ultimate Guide to Stop Self-Criticism to quiet your critic and overcome the “tyranny of the should’s.” An …

Diet Drinks and Heart Concerns

Diet sodas or drinks refer to carbonated beverages that are sweetened with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, sucralose or acesulfame-k. If you think about it, almost every popular soda brand on the market has a diet or a “light” version available. Technically they should be good for dieters as they contain no calories, and help to prevent sugar-related diseases, but evidence of these drinks being beneficial is completely non-existent.

Artificial sweeteners are what the word suggests: synthetic or fabricated. The main problem with these sweeteners is that they have a more intense flavour than real sugar. Over time, our taste buds get used to diet products and they have the same effect on the body than real sugar. Your body will crave sugar more, and this will result in higher insulin levels, which will result in your body increasing its fat storage.

The Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study monitored a …

Focus on Folate

Folate’s Function

Folate is needed in order to adequately produce red blood cells. Folic acid also works with B12 in reducing dangerous compounds in the body and for driving multiple metabolic processes. Folate is of the utmost importance to women of childbearing age, as folate is integral in the formation of the fetal brain and spinal cord during pregnancy.

Folate is found in green vegetables, such as spinach, asparagus, and broccoli (the word folate is derived from the word foliage). Like most B vitamins, folate is very easily destroyed by cooking and light, and folate levels decrease rapidly once the vegetables are harvested. The good news is that many foods are fortified with folic acid, an easily-metabolized and stable version of folate. Once serving of most fortified cereals contains your daily dose of folate. Lentils and other legumes such as pinto beans are also good sources.

Folic Acid Supplements

Women …

Sonamasuri Hand Pounded Rice

Hand polished rice is pulled by hand, so that only the robust outer protection layer, the husk, is removed. It is edible and contains all of the nutrients as nature intended.It is hand pounded with a mortar and pestle and winnowed to produce pale, whitish rice. This kind of whole grain is a complex carbohydrate and bears a mild nutty flavor. It is full of fiber and may take longer to cook. However, with pressure cookers at hand; it is an easy task to convert hand pounded rice into instantly likable and nutritious food.

Benefits of consuming Sona Masuri hand pounded rice:

  • Low on the Glycemic Index, It takes a long time to digest making you feel fuller for longer thereby helping got keep hunger at bay
  • Presence of fiber aids digestion
  • The protein is absorbed quickly and is readily assimilated
  • Contains essential nutrients like Manganese, Tryptophan among others
  • Selenium