Ways to Enhance Brain Fitness

  • Try memorizing a song – Choose a song that you are fond of, but haven’t memorized the lyrics yet. Listen to the song as many times as you can and try to memorize the lyrics. This will help improve the habit of careful listening, apart from building an active memory.
  • Visit a museum – Consider going on a guided tour of any historical place or a museum. Listen to the guide carefully throughout the tour and after you reach home, try jotting down all the details that you remember. While doing so, your brain will take part in three different operations – receiving, remembering and thinking. This will surely help improve the function of your brain.
  • Try meditating daily – Meditating for a certain period of time everyday is one of the best possible ways to improve brain fitness. This not only helps you relax to a great extent, but

Keep Your Brain Healhty

You have to be aware that the Brain is not alone, it is not a separate unit from your body, it is completely connected to all your organs. It is like the director of the orchestra and is vital to the correct functioning of our body. However the Brain cannot direct properly if the organs are sick or are not present. When that happens additional pressure is put on the Brain and does not have all the resources to work, which then has a negative effect on your Brain function.

We all know how important regular exercise is for our body to work properly as well as our muscles. If you fail to exercise your muscles will atrophy quickly. The same happens with your brain, if you don’t exercise it, it deteriorates and increases your likelihood of experiencing memory loose or dementia.

Brain exercise can be done in different ways, …

Train Your Brain to Be Happy

“Sometimes, the mind tends to go off in its own way so that it seems to have no relevance or connectivity to the physical world. At the same time, we feel that our materialistic life can be so captivating that we forget about the real purpose of our life.

From the very beginning of our childhood, most of us have heard, that health is wealth and so we take all sorts of steps to keep ourselves and our body in a healthy and fit condition. Even though we know that our body is perishable.

At times, we think that the root cause of our unhappiness/anger/ lies in how we look. But how we look is just a small piece of the mystery in achieving true fitness. But the outward appearance doesn’t guarantee that you will find peace and happiness within yourself. So achieving mental fitness is important as our physical …