Virasana (also known as hero poses)
Just sit in a comfortable position with your hips resting on your heels, involving a slight stretching of your ankles and knees. Stretching your spine upside and taking deep breaths in this position will help clear your mind and slow down your heart rate.
Bitilasana and Marjaryasana (cow and cat pose)
Without getting up from the virasana, you just need to roll in the forward position on the support of your knees and hands. For bitilasana, you have to pull your lower back down with your tailbone and head pointing upwards. For the Marjaryasana, you just have to do the reverse, your tailbone and head tilt downwards while your spine is arched upwards like the shape of letter C. Just keep alternating between these positions for as much time as you want to.
Start with sinking of your hips on your heels while …